How to Install ChatGPT locally?

To install ChatGPT locally, you will need to have a machine with sufficient hardware resources and install the necessary software. Here are the steps to install ChatGPT:

  • Install Docker: Download and install Docker on your machine from the official website ( Follow the instructions for your operating system to complete the installation process.
  • Pull the Docker Image: After installing Docker, open a terminal or command prompt and run the following command to pull the ChatGPT Docker image:
  • Start a Container: Start a Docker container using the pulled image by running the following command:
  • Install the API Client: Inside the container, install the API client by running the following command:
  • Get API Key: To access the GPT-3 model, you will need an API key from OpenAI. Sign up for an API key on the OpenAI website ( and follow the instructions to obtain your key.
  • Configure the API Client: With your API key, you can now configure the OpenAI API client by creating a configuration file. This file should contain the following code, replacing “YOUR_API_KEY” with your actual API key:
  • Use the API Client: You can now use the OpenAI API client to access the GPT-3 model. For example, you can generate text by calling the following code:

This should print the response from the GPT-3 model to the prompt “What is the capital of France?”

Note: These instructions are for a basic setup of ChatGPT using Docker and the OpenAI API. For more advanced usage, please refer to the official OpenAI API documentation (